An HR Help Desk that works — so that your workforce can too

Add the human touch to your HR Help Desk by addressing employee issues and inquiries intelligently and efficiently.

Customer Case Story

Companies around the world trust our solutions

A solution designed by experts for experts. Read what they have to say about it.

Employee Experiences

Consumer-grade support for your people

For the HR team, the employee is the customer. So why not treat them like one? Transform the human resource department with streamlined support, saving agents time while creating efficient experiences for everyone.

  • Add SMS as an additional support channel to communicate with employees who can’t access the portal, work in a noisy environment, or prefer to text.
  • Leverage voice self-service to quickly answer simple employee requests, such as time off, enrollment deadlines, or salary details — reducing call volumes for live agents.
  • Intelligently route employees to the appropriate live agents based on identified needs and preferences, such as VIP routing for new employees, improving speed to resolution and the employee experience.
Operational Efficiency

Deliver better HR services for less

Human resources would rather focus on assisting employees with requests and onboarding than spending hours on administrative tasks, such as manual documentation, compliance audit, or organizing employee records. Empower your HR representatives to deliver better experiences without the extra work by leveraging auto-call recordings, real-time transcriptions, and GenAI summarization to document and record conversations.

Portrait of a smiling business woman with an afro in bright glass office
Insights and Analytics

Elevate employee services with AI

Knowing what your employees think and how they feel about your organization is critical for morale and retention rates. With the right insights and reporting, HR can quickly boost performance and employee experiences.

  • Develop effective HR agent training programs based on employee call sentiments and agent best practices adherence — quickly ensuring employee satisfaction
  • Get automated insights into call volume, handle time, or abandon rate to assess service operation efficiency and proactively optimize workflows.
  • Leverage a complete picture of KPIs and performance metrics with data embedded within existing leadership reporting and dashboards
Product Capabilities

Out-of-the-box capabilities

Reliable, secure, and powerful. Configured to your needs.

Agent Optimization (CTI)

Seamlessly manage voice and SMS interactions in your CRM.

AI and Automation

Streamline workflows, advance your analytics, supercharge the self-service center, and deliver intelligent coaching.

Conversational AI

Reduce labor costs with human-like, personalized interactions and automated task management for repeatable inquiries.

SMS Engagement

Drive effective customer interactions with easy alerts & notifications, and one-click outreaches.

Intelligent Interactions (IVR)

Gain full control over the customer journey with automated insights and intelligent routing options.

Reporting and Dashboards

Leverage comprehensive data sets for deep insights and strategic decision-making.

Speech Analytics and Coaching

Automatically translate every customer conversation into actionable insights.

Secure Payment Processing

Provide seamless and secure payment experiences through voice and digital channels.

Click to Call

Improve connection rates, agent talk-time, and general agent efficiency with outbound call capabilites.

Platform Integrations

Integrated with the platforms you already have

3CLogic’s AI and contact center solutions are purpose-built to integrate with the systems you already use, driving unified and enhanced customer experiences.

Industry Insights

Stay in the know

Everything you need to know about the latest CX/EX news for you, your employees, and your business.

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Service desk


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