
How a leading healthcare system boosted ROI with voice & ServiceNow® ITSM.

Wellstar Health
Wellstar Health
Manual, time-consuming processes, limited insights, and inability to meet growing support needs.
Leverage ServiceNow-native AI and cloud contact center solutions for automated workflows and reporting.

Company Quote

Overall, 3CLogic has enabled us to identify gaps in our processes and improve the efficiency of the service desk tremendously.

Dianne Kokotoff
Executive Director of Enterprise Solutions & Automation

Key Metrics

250 staffing hours saved per month.

Meet Georgia-based healthcare system Wellstar Health

Wellstar Health is one of the largest healthcare providers in Georgia, serving one out of every six citizens in the entire state. The organization’s doctors, nurses, and other staff members work to deliver the best possible care to every patient they see, but those same employees need support as well.

When a staff member faces a technical issue, such as lacking access to a critical system, they rely on the Service Desk, which leverages ServiceNow ITSM, for support. With so many employees reaching out with high-priority needs, the Service Desk is a critical department at Wellstar Health.

The challenges Wellstar Health faced without a voice solution for ServiceNow

Wellstar Health had been routing and managing calls using a legacy contact center solution, but a number of challenges emerged over time.

Top challenges

Growing demand for Service Desk support due to significant growth following a series of mergers and acquisitions.

Increasing call volumes, which grew by 50%, made it difficult to meet demand without additional resources.

Lack of integration with ServiceNow meant the on-premise system limited the ability to evolve voice workflows quickly enough.

Inability to modify the IVR without reaching out to an external department made it difficult to manage the customer journey.

Disparate systems led to limited insights into contact center health and operations.

Why Wellstar Health chose 3CLogic's ServiceNow voice solutions

It quickly became apparent that an on-premise contact center solution was no longer sufficient to support the Service Desk or the larger organization.That legacy system required processes that were far too manual and time-consuming, not to mention frustrating for Service Desk employees. It was time for a better solution.

Wellstar Health selected 3CLogic because it stands out as a ServiceNow-centric solution that addressed the challenges they were facing head-on.

Key Benefits of 3CLogic’s ServiceNow Voice Solution

Easy-to-administer cloud-based solution that allows full control over voice workflows.

Seamless integration with ServiceNow, which allows agents to identify customers, record calls, and attach recordings to tickets.

Enhanced visibility into performance with data and reporting that reveal trends as well as challenges.

Advanced AI capabilities that drive greater ROI.

The significant impact of integrating voice and ServiceNow ITSM

In just a few months, 3CLogic’s cloud contact center solution was in place and Wellstar Health quickly realized a number of impactful benefits. Specifically, Service Desk operations and agent performance both improved dramatically.

The impact

  • 250 staffing hours saved per month
  • Enhanced CX through integration with ServiceNow
  • Streamlined operations with voice-enabled self-service
  • Improved behavioral understanding of callers
  • Cost savings equivalent to 18 FTEs annually

Primary benefits after implementing 3CLogic

Benefit #1: 55% reduction in average agent wrap-up time

Thanks to 3CLogic’s CTI and softphone solutions that let agents complete all of their work directly within ServiceNow and more quickly get to the next customer, there was a 55% reduction in average agent wrap-up time. Previously, agents were having to open additional apps to take notes that they would later need to transcribe into ServiceNow. That issue no longer plagues Service Desk employees.

Benefit #2: 58% reduction in average agent idle time 

With 3CLogic’s solution for ServiceNow ITSM, Wellstar Health now had greater control of call flows. This ultimately drove a 58% reduction in average agent idle time that enabled the organization to adjust staffing accordingly. 

Benefit #3: 75% reduction in administrative escalation audit

Because managers no longer had to comb through files to find the correct recording, Wellstar Health realized a 75% reduction in administrative escalation audits. 

“The connection of the conversation with the ticket has saved us an enormous amount of hours.”

Benefit #4:  250 staffing hours saved per month.

The optimized agent experience for Service Desk employees ultimately saved Wellstar Health 250 staffing hours per month, cost savings equivalent to 18 full-time employees annually. Wellstar Health was also able to go from 80 contractors to just 45.

“It really has made a huge impact in the amount of money we’ve had to outlay for the Service Desk.”

Setting the Stage for Long-Term Service Desk Success

Now that Wellstar Health has greater visibility into their ServiceNow data and the ability to leverage 3CLogic’s powerful reporting and analytics tools, it has been able to gain an improved behavioral understanding of callers. Once Wellstar Health began digging into reports, it discovered that some tickets were being reassigned inappropriately.  

“We’ve been able to modify our playbooks and bring down the reassignment substantially.”

Thanks to 3CLogic’s seamless integration with ServiceNow, Wellstar Health has also been able to enhance the customer experience. In some cases, it’s possible to improve operations by leveraging voice-enabled self-service. Password resets are a good example of this — callers are able to resolve their own issues without ever speaking to an agent. 

“Overall, 3CLogic has enabled us to identify gaps in our processes and improve the efficiency of the service desk tremendously.”

Drive better ROI For your ServiceNow ITSM Help Desk

Ready to unlock the power of 3CLogic for ServiceNow ITSM? Contact us to start the conversation and even get a free demo to see 3CLogic in action.

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